Monday 13 October 2014

Shadow Dweller

Ever since starting the protools sound design project I have conceived an idea for a sound project with an unsettling atmospheric quality.

The narrative centres on someone asleep, he's having a nightmare, entering a deep dark void discovering horrific beast which embody his personal Demons, representations to his dark demented persona.

Horrified wakes up terrified, covered in sweat. He goes to wash his face by the sink but as he turns on the light and looks in the mirror he see that his reflection has been replaced by that of the Monsters he's seen in his nightmare.

The sound mix in protools consists of audios samples that I've selected and through reverb and time tweaking I arranged to create unnatural scary sounds, the kind that would be heard in horror films.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

2ND YR DFSA Sound Design Protools

Tis the beginning of Year 2 in "DFSA" Digital Film and Screen Arts. Our Lessons so far have consisted of tutorials of Protools sound design given to us by Harry.

I've listed notes and instructions for setting up a protools sound project. In the brief we've been tasked to create 2 sound samples, one with just the soundscape and the other with the narration attached.

The sound samples must have a duration “last up to” 30 seconds to a minute in length.


Mixing suit                 Dongle free
W103             G20G22          G23

In order to open protools we are in need to “use a iLok dongle”

To reduce volume I am to look into the equaliser.

I can decrease the level of volume with Compressor,.

The gate can get rid of background noise.

EQ changes volume frequencies.

Create 2 mono tracks encase you recorded in stereo by mistake

In a frequency


Harmonics are the higher lines



Press the enter button one the keyboard, it has a symbol resembling the letter K turned on its side

In order to record I am to press the record button and the play button afterwards.

To reduce volume I am to look into the equaliser.

I can decrease the level of volume with Compressor.

The gate can get rid of background noise.

EQ changes volume frequencies.

Create 2 mono tracks encase you recorded in stereo by mistake

Press the enter button one the keyboard, it has a symbol resembling the letter K turned on its side.

Sound Pro tools


Minus 10 D B

Deserbells are difernt levels

Headphones can deceives what the actaull level the sound is

How to fix this is to agree on how loud the volume in protools

Create new track
Create stereo,
Mater fader

Going into mixer

Use compressor to automatic lower volume level

Select how long you want to export

Set markers at top of track

Link timeline

Don’t click Export, instead click Bounce to

Command S


48 kHz

Convert After Bounce

Save where In your name, sound designHW_joelfoster_all

Save twice
